Warning - Controversial Topic!

Are you a ‘got to have the book in my hands’ kind of reader?

Or are you a ‘gotta have my full library on one device’ kind of reader?


People feel as passionate about their answer to this question as if I were asking what political party they aligned themselves to. C.R.A.Z.Y. As if there isn’t enough to be stressed out about.

I like both. I love the feel of a thick book in my hands. The textures of the pages and cover/back - especially an older book just bring me into a whole ‘nother world. I can lose myself in a physical book. Yes, even a Michener book, once I get past the first 100 pages.

I love my Kindle too! I like to read before I go to sleep, but often my husband is already snoozing away when I get into bed. I can read a book on my Kindle and not bother him by having a light on, or with the sounds of rustling pages. Should I doze off while reading, so do Elizabeth & Mr. Darcy.

What about you? Do you have a preference? Are you a die-hard over it? I can’t wait to hear!